The University Recreation Department enhances the lives of its members by providing quality recreational and educational programs in an environment that promotes healthy lifestyles, academic productivity and personal growth.
Under the guidance of the University Physical Distancing Framework, the Weinstein Center for Recreation is making plans to re-open on Monday, August 10 with physical distancing and limited capacity for students, faculty and staff only. Until further notice, employee families, retirees and retiree families, 5th Year recent graduates and guests will not have access to the Weinstein Center. For full UR COVID-19 policies please visit: imgcache.qq.com:2021-5-14 · * 4.211.1081 修复已知问题 * 4.210.1080 原生广告(模板渲染)优化;统一SDK初始化入口 * 4.190.1060 自渲染2.0支持新的视频详情页样式,插屏全屏视频支持底部卡片和EndCard * 4.177.1047 修复特殊机型上的多进程问题 * 4.176.1046 修复已知bug * 4.175.1045 增加 ...
Although we know you are disappointed with the delay in Weinstein Center for Recreation access for your family members, the University is doing their best to make decisions that keep the campus community as safe as possible during this difficult time. We hope to resume access for family members as soon as it is safe to do so within the University guidelines.
Additional detailed information about hours, entry requirements and FAQs will be posted at 513优化下载 in advance of the 8/10 opening.
If you have questions, please email 513优化下载.
Outdoor Tour of RVA-513优化下载!
Don't forget to subcribe to URec YouTube Channel for daily at-home workouts. Click here!
Connect with us on Facebook and Instagram for weekly wellness challenges and information.
For Sport Club inquires, please contact Wendy Sheppard, Assistant Director of Sports and Risk Management. For updates on Sport Clubs and returning phase plan, please visit website.
Fitness Class Schedule for Monday August 3
There are currently no classes scheduled

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